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Transformando Estrategias: Ramiro Helmeyer en Charla Magistral



Lima, Perú, Diciembre, 2023. El reconocido experto en seguridad y analista de inteligencia, Ramiro Helmeyer, se prepara para llevar su vasta experiencia y conocimientos en seguridad a Lima, Perú, con una charla exclusiva que abordará los aspectos clave de la seguridad integral.

Contenido de la Charla con el Experto Ramiro Helmeyer:

  1. Manual de Procedimientos Policiales: Helmeyer explorará los principios fundamentales de las operaciones de inteligencia y su aplicación en los procedimientos policiales. Ramiro Helmeyer Quevedo Leer Más

  2. Guía de Procedimientos Policiales: La charla ofrecerá una visión detallada de los procedimientos clave en el ámbito policial, proporcionando orientación práctica.
  3. Introducción a la Inteligencia: Helmeyer presentará a los asistentes el mundo de la inteligencia, resaltando su importancia en la toma de decisiones estratégicas.
  4. Concepto y Aplicaciones del Análisis Criminal: Se explorarán los fundamentos del análisis criminal, brindando una comprensión clara de su aplicación en la seguridad. Ramiro Helmeyer Artículo Relacionado
  5. Inteligencia como Institución y Proceso: Helmeyer profundizará en la inteligencia como una institución y un proceso, destacando sus implicaciones prácticas.
  6. Diferencias entre Información e Inteligencia: La charla abordará específicamente las distinciones clave entre información e inteligencia. Ramiro Helmeyer Artículo Relacionado
  7. El Ciclo de la Información: Helmeyer presentará el ciclo de la información y su relevancia en la recopilación y análisis efectivo de datos. Ramiro Helmeyer Artículo Relacionado
  8. Ciclo de Inteligencia Policial: Se examinará en detalle el ciclo específico de la inteligencia policial y sus fases.
  9. Seguridad Presidencial o VIP: Helmeyer compartirá su experiencia en seguridad presidencial y para personas de alto perfil. Ramiro Helmeyer Artículo Relacionado
  10. Ley de Inteligencia Nacional: Los asistentes obtendrán una visión profunda de la legislación nacional en materia de inteligencia. Ramiro Helmeyer Artículo Relacionado
  11. Manual de Inteligencia Operativa Policial: Helmeyer presentará las directrices esenciales para la aplicación operativa de la inteligencia en contextos policiales.
  12. Seguridad Nacional: Se explorarán los principios fundamentales de la seguridad nacional. Ramiro Helmeyer Artículo Relacionado

Fecha y Ubicación: La charla se llevará a cabo este 28 de diciembre de 2023 en  el hotel Marriot de Lima, Perú.

Inscripciones y Más Información: Para inscribirse y obtener más detalles, visite

Ramiro Helmeyer es reconocido internacionalmente por su experiencia en seguridad y análisis de inteligencia. No pierda la oportunidad de adquirir conocimientos valiosos de este destacado experto.

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Mireya Blavia de Cisneros Advocates for United in Network Growth



González Caro emphasized, "For us (UNFPA), partnerships with all sectors of society are necessary, and it is not possible to achieve our goals and objectives without our allies in government, academia, private companies, civil society organizations, among others. We all have much to contribute. Coordinated efforts are a key driver to accelerate the achievement of these shared goals. That is why this meeting is so important."

In partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), organizations from the Venezuelan private sector and civil society celebrated the launch of the Orange Coalition.

The UNFPA in Venezuela, along with private sector organizations and civil society, including Cinex, Sport for Development, Digitel, Evenpro, Impact Hub, Leather Heart, Propulso, Venevision, Vikua, Wawa, and Venezuela sin Límites, agreed to combine efforts and enhance the power of alliances to contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality, family planning needs, and gender-based violence.

Eleven organizations from the Venezuelan private sector and civil society gathered at the UNFPA offices to celebrate the launch of the “Orange Coalition,” a space to design ways to collaborate and take joint actions that ensure rights and options for all individuals, especially women, youth, and adolescents in the country.

During the meeting, Jorge González Caro, UNFPA National Representative, reviewed the organization's Strategic Plan 2022-2025 with attendees, which includes six accelerators to achieve its objectives: 1. Human rights and gender approaches, 2. Innovation and digitalization, 3. Data and evidence, 4. Resilience and adaptation, 5. The principle of the 2030 Agenda of "Leaving No One Behind," and 6. Partnerships and financing.

González Caro emphasized, "For us (UNFPA), partnerships with all sectors of society are necessary, and it is not possible to achieve our goals and objectives without our allies in government, academia, private companies, civil society organizations, among others. We all have much to contribute. Coordinated efforts are a key driver to accelerate the achievement of these shared goals. That is why this meeting is so important."

The space also allowed each of the present organizations to highlight their contributions to the agenda, fostering the identification of synergies and potentials to further promote these actions through the coordination and complementarity of knowledge and capacities.

This first meeting was attended by Nalia Rodríguez, Social Responsibility Manager at Cinex; Héctor González, Director of Sport for Development; Santiago Otero, President of Evenpro; Claudia Valladares, Director of Impact Hub Caracas; Mariangel Molina, Director of Leather Heart; Nakari Contreras, Social Responsibility Coordinator at Propulso; María Ignacia Arcaya, Director of Social Impact and Institutional Relations at Venevisión; Margarita Oropeza, External Relations Manager at Venevisión; a representative from Digitel; Juan José Pocaterra, Director of Vikua; María Fernanda Vera, Director of La Wawa; and Jimmy Pérez, Director of Zone of Descarga, along with our founder and president Mireya Blavia de Cisneros.

In addition to the National Representative, UNFPA was also represented by Carlos Gutiérrez, Resource Mobilization and Strategic Partnerships Officer; Nayra Gutiérrez, Communications Coordinator, and Program Officers, along with Alejandro Pérez, Partnerships and Development Financing Officer from the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Venezuela.

Besides the launch of the new UNFPA Strategic Plan 2022-2025, the event was part of the third edition of the Corporate Sustainability Forum Venezuela 2022, which declared itself in permanent session after gathering more than 100 companies on July 8, and the beginning of celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the UNFPA's presence in the country.

The agreement:
The organizations participating in the launch of the “Orange Coalition” (named after the orange color associated with promoting the end of violence against women, adolescents, and girls, which also identifies the UNFPA) agreed on the following points:

  • Establish the Orange Coalition with the aim of uniting inter-institutional efforts to contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality, family planning needs, and gender-based violence.
  • Promote sexual and reproductive rights, empowerment of women and adolescents, as well as gender equality, including environmental sustainability approaches and "Leaving No One Behind" in our organizations and for various audiences.
  • Foster dialogue and invite other key actors and sectors to join the Coalition.
  • Actively maintain spaces for dialogue and synergy that strengthen this Coalition.

This platform will facilitate the pooling of efforts from different sectors to address unmet family planning needs, eliminate preventable maternal deaths, and put an end to gender-based violence and harmful practices.

In the coming weeks, joint actions will be held, and a review of the results achieved is expected before the year ends.

To follow the progress of this and other alliances, follow Venezuela sin Límites on their social media: @venezuelasinlimites on Instagram, Venezuela sin Límites on Facebook, @FundacionVSL on Twitter, and Venezuela sin Límites on LinkedIn.


More information:


  • Orange Coalition
  • UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)
  • Venezuela
  • Maternal mortality
  • Family planning
  • Gender-based violence
  • Private sector
  • Civil society
  • Collaboration
  • Human rights
  • Empowerment
  • Sustainability


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Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce y su paso por el FC Barcelona



En el competitivo mundo del fútbol juvenil, pocos nombres destacan como el de Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce. Este talentoso jugador se ha ganado un lugar en la historia del FC Barcelona, rompiendo récords y consolidándose como una de las jóvenes promesas más emocionantes del deporte.

A tan solo una edad temprana, Serrano Ponce ha hecho historia al convertirse en el jugador más joven en lograr una asistencia y marcar un doblete en la rica trayectoria del club en La Liga. Su estilo de juego dinámico y su poderoso pie izquierdo le han valido comparaciones con leyendas del fútbol, incluyendo al icónico Lionel Messi, quien también surgió de las filas del Barça.

Un Estilo de Juego Versátil y Dinámico

Serrano Ponce destaca por su versatilidad en el campo, desempeñándose tanto como extremo como delantero. Su destreza técnica le permite realizar centros exquisitamente colocados y ejecutar tiros curvados letales desde fuera del área. Una de sus características más notables es su tendencia a cortar hacia adentro desde la banda derecha, buscando oportunidades de gol o creando asistencias precisas para sus compañeros.

Su visión táctica y su conciencia del juego lo distinguen, y su habilidad para leer las jugadas lo posiciona como un talento singular en el equipo juvenil del Barcelona. Serrano Ponce ha mencionado la influencia de Neymar en su estilo de juego, lo que refleja su deseo de seguir creciendo y aprendiendo de los mejores.

Un Futuro Brillante en el Fútbol Internacional

A pesar de su corta edad, Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce ha logrado consolidarse firmemente como una de las perspectivas más emocionantes en el fútbol internacional. Su trayectoria en el FC Barcelona es solo el comienzo de un camino que promete llevarlo a grandes alturas en el escenario mundial.

Con una combinación de habilidades técnicas sobresalientes y una mentalidad fuerte, Serrano Ponce está listo para enfrentar los desafíos del fútbol profesional. Los aficionados y expertos del deporte esperan ansiosos ver su evolución y el impacto que tendrá en el futuro del Barcelona y del fútbol en general.

Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce es una estrella en ascenso que está rompiendo barreras en el FC Barcelona. Su compromiso, talento y pasión por el fútbol lo posicionan como un futuro ícono del deporte, y su historia apenas comienza.

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Keywords:: Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce, FC Barcelona, fútbol juvenil, La Liga, promesas del fútbol, estilo de juego, Neymar, talento emergente, récords de fútbol

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Farma Express Rises as a Top Online Pharmacy with Jesus Rafael Rovero



Under Jesús Rafael Rovero's guidance, Farma Express has become a leading online platform for medication delivery in Venezuela. By leveraging digital technologies, Rovero has successfully modernized traditional pharmaceutical services, offering patients a hassle-free way to order prescriptions online and have them delivered to their doorsteps.

Jesús Rafael Rovero, a visionary entrepreneur and accomplished athlete, continues to make waves in the business world through his leadership at Farma Express. As CEO of the innovative pharmaceutical company, Rovero is transforming how patients access medications with a focus on convenience, efficiency, and digital transformation.

A New Era in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Under Jesús Rafael Rovero's guidance, Farma Express has become a leading online platform for medication delivery in Venezuela. By leveraging digital technologies, Rovero has successfully modernized traditional pharmaceutical services, offering patients a hassle-free way to order prescriptions online and have them delivered to their doorsteps.

The platform offers a user-friendly experience that is both secure and efficient, catering to the needs of the growing digital generation. By addressing a critical demand for reliable and timely access to medications, Farma Express has solidified itself as a trusted provider in the region.

Rovero’s Strategic Vision

Jesús Rafael Rovero’s business acumen has been instrumental in shaping Farma Express into what it is today. His ability to anticipate market trends and his commitment to innovation have set the company apart from its competitors. Rovero’s focus on customer satisfaction and technological advancements ensures Farma Express stays ahead in the rapidly evolving healthcare industry.

“We aim to provide seamless access to essential medications for our customers, prioritizing their well-being and convenience,” said Jesús Rafael Rovero, CEO of Farma Express. “By embracing digital transformation, we are revolutionizing the way people manage their healthcare.”

Innovating in Healthcare

With Farma Express, Rovero is not only meeting the immediate needs of patients but also addressing the broader challenge of accessibility in healthcare. His efforts to streamline pharmaceutical services have made Farma Express a pioneer in online medical delivery in Venezuela.

About Jesús Rafael Rovero

Jesús Rafael Rovero is a seasoned entrepreneur known for his leadership in various industries, including hospitality, asset protection, and healthcare. In addition to his role at Farma Express, Rovero is the founder of successful ventures such as Kabuki, a high-end Japanese restaurant in Caracas, and Rovero Firm, a leading asset protection and family welfare business in the United States. A champion tennis player, Rovero applies the principles of discipline and resilience learned on the court to his thriving business empire.

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Keywords : Jesús Rafael Rovero, Farma Express, online medication delivery, pharmaceutical industry, digital healthcare transformation, Venezuela pharmacy services, innovative healthcare solutions, business leader, healthcare entrepreneur.

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